The Windmill’s story begins in 1794, before George III had fallen to his madness and when a certain Horatio Nelson was working his way through the ranks of the Royal Navy, on his way to seriously annoying the French at the battles of the Nile and Trafalgar.
The pub’s construction was timed to take advantage of the opening of the early sections of the Leeds to Liverpool canal, as well as to service thirsty farmers depositing their grain at the neighbouring windmill. Villagers seeking the conviviality of good ale, conversation and a roaring fire made up the numbers and, to be fair, not a lot has changed since, save for the fact that our customers use automotive transportation rather than horseback to reach us, and many travel from slightly further afield.
Under the guiding hands of Paul and Laura Bolton since 2011 , The Windmill team have stuck to the principles of any good country pub: a friendly welcome, great food, delicious beer and wine and, of course, a roaring log fire. Come and see for yourself.